INCI Name:

Trehalose, Cholesterol, Ceramide NS,  Hydrogenated Lecithin

(Vegetal version): Trehalose, Phytosterols, Ceramide NS, Hydrogenated Lecithin


A skin barrier recovery agent obtained by a patented vehiculation technology that allows to form extremely stable nano structures to better deliver its active compounds. The combination of an intracellular lipid component (ceramides) and a sugary humectant agent (trehalose) makes Tri Solve the perfect ingredient to restore the stratum corneum and inhibit dehydration damages. It is particularly indicated for the development of products for dry and/or atopic skins. Also available Tri-Solve P with Phytosterols.


Gel obtained by encapsulation by high pressure homogenization of Trehalose and Ceramides into lipophilic vesicles constituted by Lecithin and Cholesterol. 


  • Creams and gels for atopic / dry skins;
  • Skin barrier recovery products;
  • Maskne, atopic dermatitis, xerosis, extremely dry skin conditions. 

Mechanism of Action

It restores skin barrier reducing the TEWL  and increases hydration: ceramides act as a water modulator and a permeability barrier by forming multi-layered lamellar structures with other lipids between cells in the stratum corneum layers, while Trehalose is able to completely suppress the damages induced by dehydration on our skin. 

Key features

  • Triple action in skin barrier: recovery, strengthening, hydration enhancement.
  • Reduces TEWL (Trans Epidermal Water Loss) promoting water retention. 
  • Encapsulation system ensuring a faster and more effective reconstruction of the natural skin structure.
  • Assures long lasting hydration.

Usage Dosage




Efficacy tests

  • Hydration 
  • TEWL




  • Hydrating
  • Sensitive skin

Confidential contents

  • Technical sheet
  • Technical sheet (Phytosterols' version)
  • Safety sheet
  • Safety sheet (Phytosterols' version)
  • Flyer
    (distributors reserved)
  • Formulary
    (distributors reserved)
  • Brochure
    (distributors reserved)
  • Tox Tests
    (distributors reserved)
  • Efficacy Tests
    (distributors reserved)
  • General statements
    (distributors reserved)
  • General Statements (Phytosterols' version)
    (distributors reserved)

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